Always check the coupon websites before heading to the store. It might only save you 50 cents, but you never know when you'll actual be able to save ten times more than that.
My goal is to try to get at least double groceries for my money. Sometimes, coupons help me do that. So, don't disregard that little 50 cent coupon as being worthless.
Check out these two sites that I use regularly:
A Full Cup is a coupon forum that is totally awesome. It's easy to search for specific coupons which has helped to not only save money but a lot of time.
And listen, if for the next few weeks you don't find any coupons that actually are money savers for you, don't get discouraged into never searching for coupons. The recession has hit everyone hard and coupons are not an exception. Every now and then you will be able to grab coupons that match grocery store sales, but the only way you'll find those deals are if you keep browsing for coupons.
Happy Couponing Everyone!!!!!